'The Resilience of Land'

'The Resilience of Land'


This piece is inspired by the immense unseen strength of the land and water. Through drought, fire and an array of natural disasters the Australian land has regenerated itself over and over. Not only was I moved by the experience of my fellow Australians who experienced bushfires in early 2020, I have seen this first hand witnessing bushfires that swept across my home town in the mid 1980’s. To see the immense firey hill across the bay from my house contrasted with the life-giving river water below is forever imprinted in my memory. In my mind, it is the water that won the fight. And to see this destruction slowly replaced by gentle regeneration and new life is something I will never forget.


The Resilience of Land is a celebration of this environment and an ode to that prevailing water.


framed in black timber

Acrylic and shellac on linen

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This piece is inspired by the immense unseen strength of the land. Through drought, bushfire and an array of natural disasters the Australian land has regenerated and rejuvenated over and over. May we harness all possess this power from within and use it for an allegory for living our best life.